Wine list improved for 2016

Announcing our new wine list 

Wine production is continuously evolving and new regions keep emerging. Because of this we have recently decided to completely change our wine list with out exception.

With the help of Jonathan Pedley the renowned master of wine we short listed over a hundred wines. We then sampled each and every one of them our selves to create our new wine list (I would like to add it was a terribly taxing affair and we were a little squiffy by the end!).

From that wine tasting I believe we have selected a really special rage of wines which are now available to our customers at an excellent price.

Bad Eye Dear Range

image of Bad Idea bottles from new wine list

Amongst my personal favourites is the Bad Eye Dear range which includes a Sauvignon Blanc, Shiraz Cabernet and a refreshing Zinfandel Rose. Not only are the wine labels very eye catching but the quality of the wine is really phenomenal for £13 a bottle

Organic & Fair Trade

A little more quirky is the running duck range, a Chenin Blanc / Sauvignon Blanc and a Shiraz. Both are produced in South Africa. The vineyard where they are produced allow ducks to run through the vineyard each day to rid the vines of any bugs. This allows the producers to create these 2 fantastic wines entirely organically. Further more adding to there desirable credentials the wine is fair trade and suitable for both vegetarians and vegans. The shiraz is medium bodied, soft and spicy with plenty of berry fruit while the  Chenin Blanc / Sauvignon Blanc combines the grassiness of Sauvignon with ripe guava fruit of Chenin Blanc top create a truly refreshing white.

Bone Orchard Malbec

image of Malbec bottle from new wine list

Being a red wine drinker my self and a particular fan of Malbec’s our newly listed Bone Orchard Malbec is worth a mention. Its wrapped in a beautifully Gothic looking label and has a lovely youthful jammy dark berry aroma… It’s really quite tasty and easy to drink!

Not being a particular fan of white wines I enrolled our Operations Manager Liam along with an old friend to help me sample the whites. A particularly stand out white for them was the Cune Monopole Rioja Blanco. First produced in 1915 this white Rioja has been around for over 100 years and its exceptional favour has stood the test of time. Adding to it authenticity the wine is housed in its original style bottle and label.  Its a zesty dry white that is light bodied and underpinned by lemony fruit. A perfect accompaniment to white fish dishes and chicken. Indeed it would be beautiful with a bowl of our chicken and chorizo  pasta!

Image of Monople wine from new wine list

I hope you all enjoy our new wine list. I’ll look forwards to your feed back, which will be welcomed at: